Organize page Infomation
I wonder If we allowed to organize every page for more useable and detail? (not make it different than the original)
Development Nutrition Low!
After a long period of reasonably good nutrition reported on the UnReal World website, Enormous Elk is currently experiencing 'Malnourished' development! If you have not already done so, please donate to help support future developments under the current free-to-all model.
Wiki suggestions
I think that you should allow live chat on this wiki, it is a great tool for any and all Wikis, all my wikis have it, and it really helps editors, by allowing them to discuss certain things, get to know one another, and over all just make friends.
Also, maybe message walls, they are VERY useful. Just some thoughts.
Marathon bombing
My condolences to the 2 killed and 50+ wounded at Boston at the marathon finish line. May the cycle of hate end for the better, as I might be next (We were actually in the marathon)
Peace to all and hopefully no one starts pointing fingers again. I don't blame anyone for the bombing. I won't hate a whole country if a few of them decide they want to slander their people's reputation by violence.
As we contemplate and grieve, we will start thinking "Who dun it" Trust me on this, and don't jump on the first scrap of info you hear. Don't let historical hate repeat itself.
I've always felt sympathy for those people out there without a safe country like America. The best military worldwide. Plenty of allies. And the nukes.
As the leader of a count…
Thank you
Thank you to Zander.j for his input, it saved me a lot of trouble if I had to delete all those related pages sections I was going to make.
Also thanks to others like Wikia Contributor and Arezedge for helping contribute and providing feedback.
Are there any wikia admins here? There might come a time where page deletion will be necessary. The two soft mushroom pages for example, need deletion. The Soft Mushroom page to be exact.
Thanks for reading,
Related Pages
The articles in this wiki don't have a pages related section where you can list the pages that are related to the article being observed. I think it would be easier for the reader to understand if, for example they read about starvation and want to know what food types can be eaten.
Adding these sections and updating them would be a big help, I've already added these sections in all of the berry shrub articles like the Crowberry and Strawberry articles.
Thanks for reading,
We need more life in this wiki, so if you play and refer to it a lot we sure could use some help livening it up. This game is great and still is to be greater, so this wiki deserves a bit more attention and love.
I'm trying to contribute what I can by adding pics, fixing grammar, rewording paragraphs, that sort of stuff.
I hope someone notices this message and spreads it because this wiki honestly needs more contributors.
Thanks for listening,
Who's in charge here ?
i didn't need a special pass/permission to edit the wiki didn't i ?
also, who's else contributing to the wiki ?
i'm not so good in the grammar. so if can and there's one, fix it for us please :P
I have three questions for you.
1. Do animals, like dogs, heal over time. becuase my dog is "Grievously injured" after a bear hunt.
2.What factors into sneaking?
3.can you mod animas at all? if so, can you use notepad?
Thanks if you help.
Passed 300 articles!!!
In 2010 the last blog post was written here about approaching 200 articles, now in June 2012 we have reached over 300 articles.
Approaching 200!
Let's hear it for veerserif and Rhyscoombs for helping out the wiki substantially this week! We are soon to have over 200 articles on the wiki. Let's hope it keeps growing exponentially.
Media content needed
Any kind soul would have a knack for screenshooting everything in the game? We miss having pics of items, terrain, animals and characters actions.
Maybe some screens of character fishing, fighting, logging (that could be a time sequence of the three, a shot of the actual logging with the time passing and then the fell tree).
Also pics of lynxes, weasels, gluttons, hares, bears, grouses and the rest of the crew.
Some marshes, bogs and heathes would be great, we currently only have this grassland pics.
These programs all look great for doing screen shots. AviScreen even lets you do videos, would anyone dare?
Pages tittles
When creating articles, careful to spells it in small case, that way is easier to link the pages. Also, if the article is a category of other elements, name it in plural accordingly.
When category tagging, watch for already existing standard standard, so we dont duplicate tags.
The main ones are (mind that the majority is in the plural, if anyone want to put all of them in the plural that would be nice):
The ones in italics are in the singular form, fell free to erase those takes and replace for the plural.