clayweed patches
Clayweed is a kind of herb. It was added in version 3.16. Unusually for a herb, it has no medicinal effects. Clayweed is probably Chenopodium album, the Finnish names of which include jauhosavikka (flour-savikka) and saviruoho (savikka-weed). Savikka is the Finnish name for all plants of the genus Chenopodium and could roughly be translated as "that which relates to clay", since savi is clay in Finnish. It probably never was an important crop, if it even ever was one, but has been used in northern Scandinavia and Finland as a food source for at least some two thousand years. Later on it has been widely known in the area as one of the best famine foods, and both its seeds and its leaves were somewhat widely used in Finland as late as WWII, when it was used by some of the population due to mediocre food-shortages caused by the war effort.
If you harvest and thresh clayweed, you will obtain seeds, but the leaves will be much less nutritious.
Carbs | Fat | Protein | Produces | Growing time | Growing months | Found in |
40 | 4 | 13 | Leaves, seeds | 90 days | ? | Settlement,Field |
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