Unreal World Wiki
Unreal World Wiki

Basic Information[]

  • Money Unit: Torch (T)
  • Trading value also will be depend on your reputation in that village, in this case are strange and traveller
  • Shortcut name:
  1. (E)mpty (F)ull
  2. (W)atered (M)ilked
  • X|Y
  1. X: Good values
  2. Y:Minimum values to be accepted (10/3-> the good price 10, at least 3T to be accepted)
  3. If there is no Y, that mean minimum values is 1
  • Color:
Dark Green Masterwork, Superior, Beautiful, Perfect, Delicious
Green Fine, Tasty
White Decent (Not show in name)
Orange Rough, Harsh, Inferior, Bland
Red Poor, Crude, Curved, Leaky, Awful, Ragged
  • Service Price (Chopping trees): 76 (1 tree trunk=1T or 3 day =76T?)

Player Offer (Craftable and common Goods)[]

  • Weapons
Name 4* 3* 2* 1* Name 4* 3* 2* 1*
Club 4.2 Stone-Axe 1.7
Javelin 4.2 Arrow 16.67
Primitive bow 33.5 Blunt Arrow 8.375
Shortbow 87 Staff 4.2
  • Utility Articles
Name 4* 3* 2* 1* Name 4* 3* 2* 1*
Grainflail 54 Wooden Shovel 16.8
Wooden cup 5 Skin 33.5
Wooden bowl 6.7 Cord 1.65
Bandage 0 0 0 0 Leather rope 25
  • Transport
Name 4* 3* 2* 1* Name 4* 3* 2* 1*
Raft 67 Ski 84
Paddle 8.4 Ski stick 1.7
Sesta 0.4
  • Trapping
Name 4* 3* 2* 1* Name 4* 3* 2* 1*
Loop Snare 8.4 Fox Trap ~16.25
  • Clothes

Village Shops[]

  • Food:


Name Dried Smoked Salted


Squirell 2.5
Reindeer 3.375 2.67
Stag 3.22 3 1.9
Elk 3.28 3 2.3
Badger 3 2
Lynx 2.3 ~2.66
Bear 5.5 4.5


Name Dried Smoked Salted


Black Grouse 2.5 3.6
Capercaille 3.22 3 1.88
Hazel grouse 3 2.33


Name Dried Smoked Salted


Trout 24 ~23
Salmon 25 24
Pike 16.8|2 ~16
Lavaret 24.5 11.3
Bream 6.2 6
Burbot 6.2
Perch ~4 3.28
Roach 1 ~1
Pike-Perch ~7.33

Vegetable and seeds:

Name Raw
Turnip 0.89
Bag of Value Box/Basket of Value
Peas(F) 58 Turnip Seeds 6
Broad Bean (F) 68 Hemp Seeds 67
Rye Grain(F) 144 *Bag of Salt* 1034|11
Barley Grain(F) 155
  • Tools:

House chores:

Name 4* 3* 2* 1* 0*
Sauna Scoop n/a n/a 5 n/a n/a
Wooden Tub(E,W) 17
Pot 700|7 584|6 467|5
Wooden Bowl 7
Wooden Mug
Fishing Rod 11 7 5
Net 375|4 240|4 150|2 0

Utility Tool:

Name 4* 3* 2* 1* 0*
Wooden Shovel 17
Shovel 375|4 250|3
Sickle 284|3
Leather rope 26
Hunting Horn 17
Loop Snare 9
  • Furs
Name 4* 3* 2*
Bear 675|8
Reindeer 417|5
Stag 417|5
Fox 384|4
Ringed seal 334|4
Breaver 334|4
Wolf 500|6
Glutton 750|7
Badger 67
Squirrel 17
  • Domestic Animal:
Name Value Name Value Name Value Name Value
Pig 1032|7 Sheep 219|3 Cow 1125|12 Reindeer 644|7
Dog 638|7 Ram 344|4 Bull 2594|26
  • Weapons:


Name 4* 3* 2* 1* 0*
Knife 16 13
Skramasaksi 896|9
Broad Knife 355 227|3
Hunting Knife 417|5
Small Knife 63 50
Fisher's Knife 312.5|4 125|2


Name 4* 3* 2* 1* 0*
BattleAxe 1667|17
Spliting Axe 625|7 417|5
Broad Axe 750 563 500|6
Carving Axe 450 375|4 300|4
Woodman's Axe 417|5 334|4
Handaxe 350|4 187|3

Bows and Arrows:

Name 4* 3* 2* 1* 0*
Northern Bow 367|4
Hunting Bow 300|4
Longbow 167|2
Shortbow 84
Juniper Bow 34
Broadhead Arrow
Arrow 17
Blunt Arrow


Name 4* 3* 2* 1* 0*
Bastard Sword 2813|32 2500|31
BroadSword 2157|24 1917|20
BattleSword 4375|44 3282|37 2625|30
Shortsword 1250|13


Name 4* 3* 2* 1* 0*
Staff 5
Hard Staff 34
Spear 717|8
Small Trident 313|4 250|3
Trident 375|5
Wide Trident 625|7 521|6? 417|5
Name 4* 3* 2* 1* 0*
Roundshield 300|4 250|3 161|2
  • Timbers:
Name Value Name Value Name Value
Broad 17 (12+?)Stakes 1 (14+?)Slender Trunk 1
  • Transport
Name Value Name Value
Punt 160|2 Paddle 7

Woolen Tunic(F): 217T(3=1)

Wollen dress=300T(4=1)

Linen Dress=267|3

FIne Linen Dress=334|4

Fine Nettle Trouser=292|3 Normal:211|3 rough:117|2

Mail Mitten(7=1)=667

Fine Fur footwear=250|3

Woolen legging(F)=200|2

Nettle cloak=100

FIne Woolen Cloak=209|3

Masterwork iron helm=1250|13

Fur footwear=200|2, Rough=100

Leather boot=117|2