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Unreal World Wiki

Shops have been removed from the game. Instead, the same goods as before are now found in storage buildings around the village. These items are communal village property and can be purchased from any adult villager. After the first item is picked up, players will have a short time to collect additional items they wish to barter for before their reputation with the village becomes strained by the delayed payment. Note that reputation will affect the price the villagers offer you. Items to be traded for will be marked as “unpaid” or "taken" in the player’s inventory and should be dropped prior to leaving the village if the player reconsiders the purchase.

There are several kinds of adult NPC to trade, and you can also buy the items previously sold to them back. They may occasionally sell cords, skins and other utility articles.

  • Adventurer
  • Hunter
  • Woodman
  • Foreign trader

Shopping Guide for v3.19[]

Villages and settlements of different cultures have their own features. Note the following to save your time on your shopping trips.

Level: Superior

Driik shops - Best place to find masterwork tools, iron weapons and armor. Featured salt found almost in every shop. Various tools and weapons can be found on villagers. Yet, arrows are sold in lesser quantity than in Driik shops, also almost no furs.

Foreign Trader "shops" - can be found anywhere. They come in a tight group of 3-8, with decent weapon skills and sometimes sleep in the villages. They are famous for masterwork iron weapons, armor, tools, shields and arrows. They won't accept anything except furs as payment.

Remii shops - very good, various tools can be found there. Axes, pots, nets, fishing rods, bags of grain or flour, punts. Also lots of arrows and bows.

Level: Fine

Sartola shops - very good, almost the same as Remii, just replace arrows and bows with various armor (iron included). Also, tools are found less frequent.

Kuikka-tribe shops - are the best shops of all northern tribes. Huge amount of food, furs, arrows and bows. Fine northern bows, fine nets, tridents. Northern bow, spear and knife can be found on villagers.

Level: Decent

Seal-tribe shops - loads of furs, food. Fishing tools, low quality mostly. Northern bow, spear and knife can be found on villagers.

Owl-tribe shops - loads of furs, food. Northern bow, spear and knife can be found on villagers.

Koivula shops - very good, almost the same as Remii, just replace arrows and bows with furs. Also, tools are found less frequent.

Level: Inferior

Kaumo shops - furs, food. Kaumo spears and knives can be found on villagers.

Islanders shops - very poor shops. Mostly empty. Nets, tridents and food (fishes) can be found but in rough quality. Surprisingly, villagers are not that poor. They carry various tools and weapons, famous Ango included.

Level: Poor

Kiesse shops - very poor shops. Furs and food mostly.

Source: http://z3.invisionfree.com/UrW_forum/index.php?showtopic=4906


Food Shop